Foods That Can Increase the Risk of Stroke when Consumed Excessively

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall health, but it is equally important to recognize that certain foods when consumed excessively, can increase the risk of stroke. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, resulting in damage to brain cells. By being aware of the potential dangers associated withContinue reading “Foods That Can Increase the Risk of Stroke when Consumed Excessively”

Pediatric Stroke: A Guide to Prevention and Treatment

What is a pediatric stroke? Pediatric stroke is a rare condition affecting one in every 4,000 newborns and an additional 2,000 older children each year. Stroke is a type of blood vessel (cerebrovascular) disorder. Strokes can be categorized as ischemic (caused by insufficient blood flow) and hemorrhagic (caused by bleeding into the brain). When aContinue reading “Pediatric Stroke: A Guide to Prevention and Treatment”

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